Sunday, October 13, 2013

MWL Market Bazaar October 2013

Saturday was a big day for our small town. The Wynyard Tulip Festival is pretty much the largest event in the year for the town. The only other time you'll see so many vehicles in Wynyard is the night of the Christmas parade - but that's a whole other story for a whole other time.

Like everyone else, I was wondering what the weather was going to do. Usually it pours and pours for show day (which was last weekend), so my reckoning was that the tulip festival would be a washout. And, it did rain but I'm pretty sure it rained more last year. The wind was doing it's spring thing though - I'd hate to have hayfever, if you do you have my sympathies.

Enough about the weather, as you can see from above there was a lot on offer at the market - fresh, local spring produce in abundance and plenty of lovely handmade goodies (is is always the case).

The above is just a small sample of the photographs from Saturday. You can view the rest here if you have Facebook.

Coming up on the blog next week will be our Stallholder Chat. This month we're chatting with Lara from Billie Hardy Artistic Design. Make sure you check back in for it - I think you'll enjoy it!

Naomi xx


  1. Oh gosh I wish there was market stalls like these locally.
    You've captured all the hours of love and care that has went into making, baking and growing all these beautiful products. x

  2. Thanks Zara - for visiting and for such a kind comment! Glad you like the photos! x


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